Hi Folks,  this is a letter (below) I recently recieved by email, and just really want to share it as it brought tears to my eyes.  It is from a man named Jim, who he and his wife Connie just got thier first little Pekingese this year from his mom and dad, and they put him in contact with me. And Saki actually flew home on Nov. 24th which was Jim's Birthday so he was especially pleased.   I am Happy I am the one he got his little girl from, as I couldn't be happier to have her in this Loving Home.  Whoever said Grown Men can't Love Little dogs! 


Subj: Merry Christmas from Saki!   
I wanted to take a moment to extend my thanks and gratitude to Dad, Merlyn and Terry Lee for making it possible for me and Connie to have little Saki in this household.
She is beyond adorable.  She's never met a stranger.  Her wagging tail is her best sales tool.  She could teach Dale Carnegie some stuff about sales.
I LOVE introducing Saki to people, as she wins-over every person she encounters.
I'm surprised how few people can correctly name her Pekingese breed.
Most people, incorrectly, presume Shiz-Tsu(?).
I am head over heels in love with this little puppy, and yes, she has me wrapped around her little paws.
Saki is so incredibly good-natured and friendly.  She is a complete joy.
Connie got her to reliably play fetch, which is awesome and way fun!
Me and Connie love this little girl.
I formerly thought that getting my first .22 Remington bolt-action rifle, when I was about 10 or 11 years-old, was the best Christmas, ever, but I stand corrected....
Little Saki is the bestest Christmas gift, ever, in my lifetime.
I love patting on her, feeding her some treats and scratching her little tummy.
Merry Christmas to everybody and Thank You again for making little Saki a part of me and Connie's lives.
Jesus is the Reason....  a Saviour is Born....
Jim W.
PS: the Red Ryder BB-Gun just got placed in my window leg-lamp/"fragile" display....
...it's Christmas morning!!!!  (almost)... I gotta go to sleep
Absolute best wishes to all the wonderful family folks, and Terry Lee, who have made 2015 so very awesome for me and Connie!